do they provide you with scratch paper? or just that pathetic little amount of space on the actual test?
I was told we can write on the test. Is that true?
... that are IMMEDIATELY downstream of paper mills. One possible cause is ... dioxin, which paper mills release daily and which ... down stream of the paper mills” when those paper mills shut down ...
Just keep reminding yourself to pay careful attention when reading the scenario and rules. Maybe write a reminder to pay attention on a note card or sheet of paper and post it above your desk.
I'm easily distracted too. I've been doing yoga for quite a while. My friend suggested me to write down what's bugging me on paper. So far, the writing down thing works best for me.
"Paper or plastic," you ask? Can I have both? Or perhaps neither? Can I have my groceries put into a box? "Irv, clean up at register 4! Another one of these stressed out LSAT customer's head just blew up."