Yes, you should definitely take the newest tests. All of them up to PT 74 are still available as pdfs at You can also get hard copies, including PT 75, on Amazon.
No, you wouldn't have access anymore due to LSAC's virtual ban on PDFs. You would've had to have downloaded everything when you first had your subscription. You can find everything for ~$300 or so on
I did read them pretty carefully and aside from the self-only usage, the only real restriction I could find was the download links they send you are only available for 72 hours and/or three clicks. No time-limit to the actual pdfs or anything that I saw.
@DeeJayGee I have all the Cambridge Packets for the question types and PDFs for 36-76. I use the snip it tool on Windows and cut and paste them to Word. Do that for 25 questions and you have a full section.