They don't send anything in the mail . You can get all approriate info on your account and on the lsac web site. About 2 weeks before he test you'll get an admission ticket with your photo and the address of the the testing center you chose.
This is awesome! congrats to the other winners. Time to go buy all those pencils and fancy erasers from the pencil thread. And @"Alex Divine", I'm coming for your gold, buddy.
This at bottom is a weakening question. I have sketched two (badly drawn) diagrams below. The first is what the stimulus tells us. The stimulus actually tells us that the **_proposed cause_** of the extinction was an asteroid that hit the earth, ...
It's a popularity contest, and schools **LOVE** to win. UCLA tied with Berkeley this year in the public school rankings, and I've received three or four emails from UCLA celebrating this "accomplishment."
I believe they are referring to some form of photo identification, I see that they mention it below in the post, but that has to be a mistake. The check list doesn't mention that.