... December 2016 LSAT. I am having some anxiety regarding the photorequirement. In ... my opinion, the photo fits the requirements ... share their experiences regarding the photorequirement? Is anyone else stressed about ...
... the same way etc). The photorequirement has always confused me - not ... gender differently than in their LSATphoto? Has anyone heard of anyone ... presentation doesn't match their LSATphoto, or doesn't match their ...
so i dont know if im over thinking it, but my picture is not like high end quality type, its a little fuzzy around the edges but you can for sure tell its me, i just don't if they will be super strict and be like oh its not crystal clear we can't let you ...
... describing. They probably instituted the photorequirement because previously, when you had ... to attach a photo, some would probably forget to ...
... as not having completed my LSAT Writing requirement or a review of ... />
https://www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat ...
... as not having completed my LSAT Writing requirement or a review of ... ; https://www.lsac.org/lsat/taking-lsat/lsat-scoring/about-score-preview lsat/taking-lsat/about-lsat-writing
... a photo with them on the test day. But the LSAT checklist ... . Should I take a printed photo with me for the September ... test or my photo-bearing admission ticket is okay ...
Do you guys think they will remove the LSAT as an admissions requirement? I've ran into a couple of articles about the ABA removing it as a requirement for the law school admissions process, leaving it up to the schools to decide if they want to use it.
I have a question for the May LSAT-Flex takers who were signed up for the March or April tests originally. Did your photo carry over to the May test without having to upload it? Or did you have to reupload it?
... summer of LSAT love, we’re holding a photo contest. Here ... /desktop), your awesome LSAT study space … Anything LSAT and 7sage related! ... sure not to have LSAT questions in the video so ... page) with the following hashtags: #LSAT, #7sage and mention @7sagelsat ( ...
... on the recency of the photo? I ask because on the ... LSAC photo guidelines site it only says ... photo I uploaded back in October (ostensibly for the December 2016 LSAT ... receiving my scores because my photo was uploaded the LSAC site ...
So in all the prep madness, I just now got around to printing my ticket. I now see that my photo is a little bit smaller than the requirement and shadows on my face. I took it with my phone. I'm freaking out. what should I do?
... with a better, more suitable photo. By the time I took ... freaking out that my original photo isn't as acceptable as ... look as much like that photo as I can (I am ... to register for the next LSAT, etc. but I really just ...
... 's my first time taking LSAT. I just printed my ticket ... than I took the photo. In the photo, I had a short ... sheet, it says "the uploaded photo must match your appearance on ...