... it usually takes a bit of practice to realize that you ... signs before we hit a pointof no return. The second step ... I was hitting some type of funk. I was just looking ... at three of my boards as if ... normal. That snapped me out of it. I came back ...
... said:
> Carlos - best of luck to you! Seems like ... points? I'm at the pointof just ditching this whole damn ... gave away and recycled most of my materials lol.
... look up the admissions policies of your schools you applied and ... try hard enough. The whole pointof the addendum is to address ... score WASN'T the result of lack of effort, but factors beyond ...
... for your several more(?) years of student poverty.
I left ... . I am encouraged to the pointof considering taking a mandarin language ... a while and am afraid of overtaxing myself.
Here's a question if you have the time: Did you have an individual LSAT mentor (I'm borrowing this term from @Sami), and if so how did you find this person, and what pointof studying were you at?
... average -0 on LG sections of PTs, usually finishing within ... people is foolproofing past the pointof getting under the time limit ... you start to develop methods of lessening your work load, since ... to go through the process of writing out hypotheticals for easy ...
... taking practice exams and practicing issue spotting. Ultimately, on the exams ... there is a problem of running out of materials. Some profs don ... getting better at the skill ofissue spotting other profs exams work ...
... the games. Be more critical of your practicing, be brutally critical ... when you're not critical of yourself, your results will show ... focus on them. The whole pointof these games is that you ... />
Wish you the best of luck.
... , super prepared. To the pointof re-checking my zip lock ... baggy an absurd amount of times. Morning rolls round ... that this is the point in my story where ... things unravel. Perhaps the start of the end.
With ... the roof at this point and I engage in ...
... , super prepared. To the pointof re-checking my zip lock ... baggy an absurd amount of times. Morning rolls round ... that this is the point in my story where ... things unravel. Perhaps the start of the end.
> ... the roof at this point and I engage in ...
Also, as a pointof clarity, don't check your answers before the blind review as the aim is to win people over with your reasoning alone for the particular answer choice you choose.
... JYs explanation made a lot of sense to me, it ... or strengthening question, because the pointof these questions are to find ... />
For me, in terms of argument structures, RRE stimuli have ... choice should support the validity of the conclusion while accounting for ...
... An effective BR process comprises of many steps. First, you ... be "right" but the point is to get you to ... or NA question. The pointof these exerises is so that ... LR is, in terms of both subject matter and structure ... should be able to point to a particular line in ...
... more than likely some sort ofissue between reading the passage and ... take 4 or 5 sets of RC passages and go through ... them **_untimed_** over the course of a week. Use 7Sage's ...
... ? (Not just doing the "main pointof a passage, but understanding what ... takes about a week of effort of doing nothing but this, but ... retain it, it eliminates alot of time spent looking back and ...
... ? (Not just doing the "main pointof a passage, but understanding what ... ; It takes about a week of effort of doing nothing but this ... retain it, it eliminates alot of time spent looking back and ... retain what I read, but of course I never can actually ...
... something is "irrelevant" or "out of scope."
Letting ourselves off ... just takes away from the pointof practice questions -- to learn from ... fall into a bad habit of just wanting to "get through ... , but BR and other forms of intense review are key to ...
... guide 7sagers each step of the way without overwhelming ... an hour and a half of reading comprehension, and then ... re pretty comfortable with all of the subjects, that’s ... I’m at a pointof reading comp is at least ... I’m at a point to where my logical reasoning ...
... sounds like you do). The pointof negotiating is to help figure ... try within the next couple of weeks, and then again right ... , or even the first day of class! It's bananas. Really ... _do_ have a concrete answer of where you are going - law ...
The whole pointof the LSAT is kind of that it's a standardized ... is look at the curve of the test. If the curve ... a test with a curve of say -12. It's not ... others to you individually because of your personal strengths and weaknesses ...
... individually sparks a deeper one of "I wish I did ... got us to the pointof entering law school at ... like learning a small segment of X topic, ect. While ... was an external pressure of discipline afforded simply by ... law school at the age of **24**. You've really ...