... finished with the CC. Maybe listen to the post-CC webinar. Also the ... YouTube tend to focus on post-CC work.
> > ... have a link to the post-CC webinar?
> https://7sage.com/webinar/post-core-curriculum-study-strategies/
Congrats on finishing the cc! I highly suggest you watch ... video: https://7sage.com/webinar/post-core-curriculum-study-strategies/ post-cc, that's up to you ... my first PT after the cc was only maybe 3 or ...
... do about one PT every 2-3 weeks. Sorry for putting ... monday and then print out 2 weeks worth of drilling material ... 's since finishing the CC and only 2 of those since finishing ... -in-all I have only 2 PT's since I started ... from what was in the CC).
@keets993 thats so good to know! I have been freaking out today because I took my first PT post-CC (except for the RC because I was too tired :joy:) and I was really disappointed by my score. Idk if a September score is going to be good enough for me.
... the question bank during the cc. There are questions supplied within ... everything you need during the cc is included in there. You ... couple of each during the cc until I felt like I ... problem sets when you're post-cc studying.
I think a blog post about study strategies 2-3 weeks before taking the LSAT would be helpful! For example, should I take the week off before the test or continue taking PTs up until test day?
Great improvement and am confident you can improve even more. Maybe the post-CC webinar and other webinars can help and am interested in the advice of other students. Keep up the good work!
... your first PT after the CC. I cried after my first ... CC. My guess is that if ... burning through PTs. Also, PTing post-CC is not the final stage ...
... curriculum and Sage advice for post-cc (links below). Reevaluate your situation ... />
60% is less than two-thirds of the way through the CC, then there's a post-CC process that occurs as we finish the CC, then finally PTs along with post-CC exercises. Don't give up, don't rush into PTs, and trust the process. We're here for you.