I have the PDFs... I never bought multiple copies of the books. I bought two different ones used for 5 bucks a piece on amazon. One was clean and good to go and the other was marked up even though it said it was clean so I tossed it :P
You could copy all the pages as PDFs and then cut the questions you want and paste them into a word document... As long as you're not sharing them I don't think you'd be violating any copyrights or anything.
So... I thought pdfs were not allowed any longer, or we would be able to get them here on 7sage. Where can I get the pdfs? just Cambridge? I saw some on ebay that people were probably scanning and putting on for sale. Anyone get those?
@esteerose @nicole.hopkins PDFs are also available on everylsat for a couple dollars cheaper than Cambridge. And the site does have a disclaimer that says they are used with the permission of LSAC.