... allows for simulating the LSAT Flex with only three sections. Considering ... be prep testing the LSAT Flex three sections or continuing doing ... be getting the same stamina on four sections with normal prep ... to three equal sections on the LSAT Flex (no extra LR) ...
... anybody could give me advice on Logic Games. I’ve ... do? Should I focus on LG during the week and then take ... PTs on the weekend?
... if I can just improve on LG section, then I’ ... be able to get it on test day.
I have seen conflicting information from unreliable sources and am wondering if anyone knows for sure if we are allowed to have drinks on our deskduring the exam? I have been trying to practice without my water bottle, just in case. Thanks in advance!
... 2 games. I saw on the boards that many ... every game you come across during your PT phase. It ... through them with confidence on R2? During the CC I full ... and use printer paper to re-do games on. Saves ink ... suggest focusing your energy on fool proofing the games. ...
... timing. I'm often scrambling during the last few minutes and ... during the last minute, I ... assume that they press start on their time tracking device ... experiences with having multiple watches on your deskduring an official proctored LSAT ...
... untrue that a score on the Flex will be representative of ...
> @theravdiaries said:
> During today’s LSAC webinar they ... be weighed more heavily on the LSAT-flex, all questions will ... equally.
The ... July LSAT-Flex will be administered during the week of July ... later in the week based on specific remote proctoring requirements. Currently ...
... personally would try taking them on LawHub, and transferring them over ... and bubbling in your answers on LawHub during the PT, then plugging ... LawHub and, by extension, the Flex much clunkier and harder to ...
Hey guys, I saw on the LSAC website that they ... recommended checking out practice tests on the LawHub website "to familiarize ... and content of the LSAT-Flex."
https://lawhub.lsac ... -Flex. As you will see, there is a timer displayed on screen during ...
I scored below my PT flex average on the actual flex; however, I had other issues during the exam. I think the flex simulator is pretty accurate, as I received roughly the score I felt I had after taking the actual flex.
... than the October flex, which I got a 164 on after PTing ... manageable. My proctor interrupted me during the 2nd game because my ... like what I had on the October flex, where I had the ...
... just scored a 153 on the Nov-Flex after scoring in the ... high 150s and low 160s during ... my PTs. I feel like I have a good grasp on ... lack of trust in myself during the real thing - I think ...
can someone let me know what this all means? how do we read this data and decide to apply based on them? does this mean that LSATs taken duringflex are looked at more leniently, or are we just assuming more people took the exam this year?