I am trying to print out drill questions to use them for wrong answer journal but the "QuickView" pdf button doesn't show on the completed drills. Is this function still available? Thanks for your advice!
My LSAT Preptests will not print. Everytime I click "printable", it just shows each section of the preptest in quickview. I have tried clearing my browsing data, but it still won't work.
I am having trouble viewing the quickview on certian question- it says the link is expired. I can view the question when going to the explination and when looking at earlier tests but not the mid 40+ range tests.
I like the "show questions" options available on problem sets because when I go back and review, I like seeing if I was at least close to choosing the right answer or had eliminated it. Is this an option for PTs as well?
I'm going on a flight, and I want to save my test as a PDF so I can do the blind review remotely. When I click on printable 4 "quickview" buttons pop up, but it is not clear how I actually save the PDF.
All of the problem sets are giving me this error after upgrading. It says, "Sorry you do not have access to QuickView for this PrepTest. Upgrade to LSAT Ultimate+ to get QuickView access." I have Ultimate+, help!
I purchased the Ultimate, but now my videos give the message reading: "Sorry you do not have access to QuickView for this PrepTest. Upgrade to LSAT Ultimate+ to get QuickView access."
Are you using the QuickView that just shows the question? If so, they intentionally have no sound as there is no explanation. It is just showing the question.
I usually take screen shots from the "quickview" option for the problem set questions I want to revisit and put them in a word doc. It has been working for me pretty well.