The NA section seems to have an issue with the 'print' prompt. When clicking on the 'Print Questions' the screen stays blank. This is the second day I have experienced it. Nothing else seems to be malfunctioning.
Anyone else having this issue?
It's Aug 1 and I am transitioning from material to prep tests only for the final month before taking the Sept LSAT. I know...should have been doing them more often throughout, but have been doing a lot of drills and sections. For the ...
When I go to click on the"PT X-- all sections printable" button on any given PT I get a gray screen. I'm using Google Chrome on my Mac, and have allowed Flash player to run on 7Sage. However, each ...
I'm tired of downloading and printing out each file, don't know why but it takes forever to download each PT.
Is there a giant compiled PT so I can just download it overnight and print out all at once?
Thank you.
I tried to print off the bundle and it pretty much came with the border...said 7sAge and number on it, but the text didn’t. I just got the first page and that’s it and I know I’m not out of ink. It’s just with the LG BUNDLE. Is there any way someone can ...
The last set of PDFs I printed had like an 8 point font, while in the past it was probably a 12 point font and I don't think I changed the settings. @studentservice What are your thoughts? Thanks.
Sorry if this has been asked, but is there a certain way to do this? Particular LR questions from random PT's/Problem sets that I have gotten wrong that I want to go back and do over again. Thanks in advance
@admin-3 is there anyway that the downloaded pdf (drills) could be iPad pencil enabled? Printing the drills is getting too much and I’m also traveling. Just wondering. Thanks!
Instead of printing out the PTs... Do you have a way to study on the tablet? Since the test is no longer in paper I am trying to avoid printing. Should I download PDF on my tablet and scan all my study notes etc?
I am learning about negation but when it comes to the quiz its confusing because the only terms I learned through CC was "some" and "all" to learn how to negate. How do you negate terms besides these such as "if...then" situations?