If you have any doubts, then do not risk it. My advice would be to take the LSAT on a machine that you are comfortable with and that you know meets the proctorU requirements.
The Flex is administered using ProctorU - the same website where you sign up for an exam slot. I made sure I had an account prior but LSAC sends you an email a few days before, as well as te day of with specific instructions!
Can someone explain what this will look like on test day? We just need to go to proctorU website and log in and it will be waiting for us? I tried looking on LSAC website but nothing is very clear.
... flex, can I make a proctoru account and schedule it? Or ... , lsac will be creating your proctoru account with the email address ... people could get into the proctoru system before the date scheduled ...
but I still see the time it says1/17/2021 for my country but in ProctorU, I have to set the time between19th and 20th and if this is right, they should've let us know.
hey my mac was doing the same thing for the proctor-u pre-test check. you can call proctoru or talk to their live chat, and they'll send you to a different pre-test check site. as long as your computer works with THAT test, you'll be fine.
I had that same issue mine said RAM 97% of 90%. I closed down the browser and logged in through the extension by clicking on the chrome extension. It has the ProctorU Owl. It worked fine after that.
... OVER ONE DOZEN TIMES BY PROCTORU!!! I tested my connection the ... show. I was interrupted by ProctorU stating the video went down ... . Anyone else have these issues? ProctorU claimed it was my connection ...
i took it in January...no major problems. as a commenter said above, don't get thrown off by setting up proctoru apps at the start...it may not be as smooth as other systems
... to connect to an actual ProctorU representative to have them check ... want to have an actual proctor check as well if possible ... how to do that on ProctorU? Thank you so much!!