> @ksk71902 said:
> Here is the Slack workspace link for anyone who's interested! https://join.slack.com/t/oct2022lsatgroup/shared_invite/zt-1d5iosku8-PipEdV82wwhygZtoFIKDMg
... -game-2/), but I was not able to reproduce the issue ... out so that it's working on your end too! Can ... me know which videos are notworking for you?
You are definitely not at your peak yet! For ... brute force only. It's not fun but you could miss ... RC passage but it is notworking that well right now. I ...
Thank you for the quick response @"Cherry - 7Sage Student Service"
I'm also now having difficulty with the particular tags as well, which is strange as it worked before even when the 7Sage Virtual Tutor was notworking.
same, I have work later and this was my only time today :/
if this happens again I'll consider it a waste of money, I picked 7sage because it can be self paced but if it's notworking... idk what to do
Hi! I am interested in joining. I just broke into the 150's and would like to get to 160 by the August exam. I'm notworking so definitely dedicated. Please send me the link.
I cant watch any videos on my 7sage account, I keep receiving this 404 error code. I tried logging out and logging back in several times, I also tried logging in through a different browser. Notworking.