... . Many schools will accept your app and wait to process them ... . Also, they will process you app before anyone that submits their ... app after the LSAT. Since many ... , the sooner you submit your app the better.
* Android app now has a series of introductory screens explaining what's in the app.
* Android app fix: After registering, going to "Course" works more consistently.
I listen to music for motivation before and after studying but not during. I find it distracting regardless on the genre. But I have been trying to do my PTs in a library and with the proctor app with distractions turned up.
* iOS app - iPhone 6 and 6+ support
* iOS app - has PT 72, 73, and 74 logic games included
* iOS app - Logic Games screen now includes tags and section difficulty.
* iOS app - Bug fix: Grader PrepTest filtering works properly
* iOS app - Entering blind review in Grader is easier now because you can now also drag/tap the complete white space to the right of the answer choices to get to blind review (particularly helpful for iPhone 6/6+ and iPad).
@"joegotbored-1" @"Nilesh S" Thank you so much! It sounds like it shouldn't be too bad. It is through Skype so I think that will make me less nervous and more calm and collected as you said. I'll definitely have my app in front of me too. Thanks again!!
* iOS App - The proctor pauses when it is interrupted by a phone call, alarm, Siri, etc, and you can press "Continue" to continue where you left off after you finish handling the interruption.
I used to Meditate (I used a website and app called Meditation Oasis) and it was very helpful. Some days its easier than other days. But I need to try to meditate more frequently.
Yes, also if you download the 7Sage app you can use the proctor when you're taking a PT and you can adjust it so that you have background and/or distraction noise.
It could be the same as if you're in a library or coffee shop. Because the app adds the noise for you. I must say that the first time it was really annoying lol
@nicole.hopkins @ddakjiking I rolled out a fix a few minutes ago that should help. I'm not getting a blank screen anymore on iPhone 5S 7Sage app. Please let me know if you are still running into this problem
Alan—unfortunately I'm still having the same problem (just had it when looking at the "Gaining back confidence" thread). I checked the App Store and didn't see an update—did you mean it's forthcoming from there?