> @AmateurPhilosopher said:
> Was the LR section with the whistleblower question real or experimental? The one about punishing those who reveal politicians
Don'tremember seeing that one. So it was prob experimental
... was super hard.. I usually don't have issues finishing the LR ... meant to return to. I don'tremember a PTSD question or anything ... LR's though. I do remember the T Rex question.. was that ...
... was super hard.. I usually don't have issues finishing the LR ... meant to return to. I don'tremember a PTSD question or anything ... LR's though. I do remember the T Rex question.. was that ...
... game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4 ... up in my head. I don'tremember which pertained to which section ... same order. And I also don’tremember which question was in which ...
... game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4 ... up in my head. I don'tremember which pertained to which section ... same order. And I also don’tremember which question was in which ...
... game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4 ... up in my head. I don'tremember which pertained to which section ... same order. And I also don’tremember which question was in which ...
... game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4 ... up in my head. I don'tremember which pertained to which section ... same order. And I also don’tremember which question was in which ...
... game with H,R, S,T, G about performing, and 4 ... up in my head. I don'tremember which pertained to which section ... same order. And I also don’tremember which question was in which ... because based on what I remember about my own 2 LG ...
... a movies game that I don't see mentioned. I'm thinking ... />
> I think so, I don'tremember a movie game on my ... both of you! Do you remember an LR question about statins ...
... a movies game that I don't see mentioned. I'm thinking ... ; > I think so, I don'tremember a movie game on my ... remember an LR question about statins/high cardiovascular?
Don't worry, I feel the same. ... how I did, which isn't a good thing. I feel ... RC. At least that didn't happen to you! Imagine having ... four minutes left and you don'tremember the fresh details of the ...
So I am curious how you know the real sections from experimental. I personally had 3 LR, 1 LG, 1RC. I couldn't tell you specifics if I wanted because I don'tremember, it was such a huge blur. Anyone's head still spinning when they think about it to much?
> @Thompson said:
> Don't worry, I feel the same. ... how I did, which isn't a good thing. I feel ... RC. At least that didn't happen to you! Imagine having ... four minutes left and you don'tremember the fresh details of the ...
... :
> > Does anyone remember an LR question about people ... ; hmm.. doesn't ring a bell. do you remember any other part ... more detail than that). I don'tremember anything about the parents' responsibilities ...