Is the reasoning flaw in the stimulus that it concludes what makes something not censorship from the sufficient condition for censorship?
If A or B, then Censorship exists.
From this, we cannot conclude that censorship does not exist.
I'm talking about the Misc Category from 7Sage for example PT 40 S1Q10, Q15. I see now that I can just figure out the type myself. Like Q10 is something like an Identify the Disagreement type.
So where is the key piece of evidence that I should really focus on in this question? The conditional is throwing me off.
... answer. Or questions like PT J07 S3 Q10 (missed a key distinction ... />
Memory method passages in this PT
Memory method law and ... />
Archive important LR questions in PT J07 to retake, untimed next ... questions I circle to about 10 from 14. The reason why ...