But I was under the impression that conditional statements are not comparisons. I read the first sentence as a comparison and therefore ignored it since I did not read it as a conditional statement. How should I have broken down the first sentence to see ...
Sharing this because while eliminating AC E, I was forced to question the difference between causation and sufficiency as well as the danger of using Lawgic as shorthand when you're not actually dealing with conditional statements.
... noted the most difficult individual PT sections in all three pre ... S2, 14-S4, 18-S2, 21-S3, F97-S3, 22-S4, 24-S2, 26-S2 ... , 27-S1, 28-S3, 33-S1, 39-S2, ... 71-S3, 72-S2, 76-S2, 78-S1, 81-S2, 84-S3 PT A, B, and C ...