... group is getting close to 58 & 59! If you're ... -5pm - 8pm FEB Group BR PT58
Sat Dec 5, 2015 ... ) 5pm - 8pm FEB Group BR PT 59
Source: http://7sage ...
you can also use this structure for a url:http://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-58-section-4-question-17/ but type in which test, section and question number
You keep asking these questions yet you have ultimate+ and have the explanation to this question even though you keep pretending it is from the non-existent 5th section.
Well, halfway through the third game I ran out of time so I guessed 4 questions.
In my last game, by the time I was done with the setup, I had 2 minutes to answer 6 questions.
Being an older PT, the section had 24 LG questions
@jameskalcheim I had that order, though the actual experiential sexton. might be placed differently. I think section 3 was experimental for me, section1 was definitely real
You'll see your itemized eventually on LSAC i'm not sure how long it takes, but I can see mine from Sept 2014. But its just numbered questions I don't know what section (it says section1,2,3,4,5) or what the exact question was just the number.
... good at games. Work through 1-36. Do it until it ... doing it. Work through a section until you are -0 and ... after 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month. Do that for every section1-36 ...