I don't really understand answer choice A) if there is no overwhelming evidence for or against a hypo. then one should "suspend judgment as to its truth". What does it mean by "as to its truth"? Anyone could help?
I am retaking this PT and I **really** struggled with this passage. In particular, I have trouble understanding the difference between studies being debunked vs. studies giving two opposing facts. ...
I am having such a tough time on this question. I have written out my thinking, watched the explanation a few times and I am still stumped by this question. Answer C is ...
I am just really confused of why the right answer is B.
My thought process was this:
C: It is advisable for businesses to implement such variations.
Why? because of all the information above. When I read this I thought there ...
I know there is an answer to this question out there, but I am really confused on the conditional logic here. If someone can break that down for me, it would greatly help me understand when the other answer choices are wrong and further help me see why D ...
I put D as my answer to this question, but the correct answer is A. I don't understand why, since the stipulation for a work to be considered unique is for it to have historical or aesthetic value. How would that apply to an unflattering painting of ...
I find this strengthening question particularly tricky. Can anyone help explain why E) is the correct answer? Also explaining why C) isn't would be helpful!
In this question why do we "attack" the premise. I thought we don't really try to attack the premise but in this question it does. How often does this type of question show up on the LSAT? I understand this question just a little bit but I am unsure why ...
Hi- I have been focusing on NA questions, and was looking for quick ways to identify answers. I had some trouble differentiating between (B) and (E). The right answer is B. My question is---- Will the answer in Necessary Assumption Questions follow the ...
help can someone explain why this is B? It seems clear that the director did in fact infer that some others did like the movie, and its seems like he did fail to take into consideration the number of positive (i.e., 0) and negative (i.e., 10) responses ...
Does anyone understand why the answer to question 20 is A. I do not see how the statement that "many local businesses depend on the regions natural beauty" is direct evidence for another statement aka is direct evidence for the statement that "the heavy ...
I have an issue with AC A because I don't see how the argument's sub-conclusion draws from the stated claim. It seems to me that there is a need for an unstated assumption - something along the lines of "heavy industrial activity rids a region of its ...
This is a method of reasoning question. I got the answer correct - B - because stimulus goes and defines unnatural and uses that to destroy the absurd claim it sets out to. However, why is AC D wrong? Is it b/c it is partially right and not fully correct. ...
I want to start with Q27 first. I have read the reasoning behind why (D) is incorrect, and somehow agree, but I absolutely dont see why (E) is correct.
The author doesn't state history is impaired by universal patterns, atleast ...