I understand why the answer (D) is correct, but not sure why the answer choice (C) is incorrect. Is it because the answer choice makes an assumption that natural nesting sites will be ...
Ok, I am pretty pissed I missed this because I felt like I got it right when I did it. I didn't even mark it for BR. As a CPA, the equivocation of a few words in the stimulus and ...
After reading the answers, I think I can see how this one justifies the argument but still a little unsure about how the answer was found.
I got this question correct since C was obviously not relevant to the argument, but during BR, I can't seem to eliminate B or E. Why are these necessary assumptions? Here is my ...
Question about this question and the answers, particularly C and D. The question is a resolve the paradox in which we are told that auto safety experts are concerned about the "increasing popularity" of SUV vehicles, after being told that they are "safer" ...
I had gone over this question during Saturday's BR call and I got some great feedback, but this isn't quite clicking with me yet. I just need help eliminating answer choice E ...
I have a question on answer choice C.
I understand the flaw of the survey: how it fails to distinguish the residents who dropped out in its own schools and those who dropped out of schools from somewhere else. But, after ...
Im having trouble understanding why answer choice E is correct. I chose answer choice D because the conclusion has to do with the experts being useless because they offered contradictory information. I thought that when were looking at reasoning method ...
(P.S., I know this is a long and dense post, but there's an opportunity at the bottom for anyone reading this to get paid, so hopefully that's an incentive to read this :P)
Hi guys! I wanted to get some feedback from you smart people on the ...