why is D incorrect? In responding to the Rotelle, Sims shows that the same could be said about Rotelle's youth and inexperience when it comes to age, so isn't that thereby showing he is contradicting himself? How should one choose between D and E?
Could someone please explain this one? Doesn't only one flight have multiple Saturdays in between?
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question"**
For this question I was between choice A and D, and ultimately went with D even though I was not entirely confident. Can someone please explain why D is not the correct answer, and why A is? #Help
I've been struggling with MSS questions, so I drill every day. I would love someone's explanation of why D is correct. I chose B. I find myself I think making assumptions instead of taking everything I need for my answer from the stimulus. Along with this, ...
JY dismisses putting [I: V-Y-W-V] because you can't have two different game pieces in the middle two slots. Can someone help elaborate on this? I believe (A) could be correct, and I don't understand the reasoning here.
I chose answer choice C because being the rock being submerged in water does not prove the conclusion that is falsifying the idea that life began in the ocean and did not exist on land until half a billion years ago.
I answered this question correct the first time around, and then when completing the blind review I changed my answer and got it incorrect. This question is very tricky when reading it for the first time. I changed my answer because I could not logically ...
Stimulus says: Manners are necessarily social (i.e. manners require a social element). Morals are not necessarily social (i.e. morals do not require a social element). Rules of etiquette do not apply to situations with morals or manners alone.
Stimulus: Shoe factory employs more unskilled full time workers (W) than all other businesses in town combined.
If shoe factory closes, more than half of town RESIDENTS who are W will lose jobs.
For this question answer choice C is correct which makes sense to me. I picked D because I thought the analogy between car technology and computer technology worked well. My question is: are answer choices with analogies usually wrong on strengthening ...