... (★★); PT24.S2.Q23 (★★★★); PT30.S4.Q14 (★★★★); PTJ07.S3.Q25 (★★★★★); PT64.S1.Q24 (★★★★); PT67 ... list now but something like PT30.S2.Q25 (★★★★) may be a good ...
I'm having trouble with the following question from Superprep, A:
L: People's intentions cannot be, on the whole, more bad than good. Were we to believe otherwise, we would inevitably cease to trust each other, and no society can survive ...
This question went completely over my head and I still don't understand why the correct answer is (C) for all the tea in China. If someone could please explain this question it would be greatly appreciated!
Looking to get a better idea of the logic on answer choice E, which is an incorrect answer choice.
I understand that A is the correct choice because reasoning from an ...
The answer choices really messed with me because I was between c and d. C plays with the negatives a lot. C says: NONE of the shows that Wilke and Wilke produced last year that ...
Despite reviewing JY's explanation (https://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-20-section-4-question-25/), I don't understand why answer choice (C) is incorrect while (D) is correct.
For one thing, how is answer choice (C) different from PT29 ...
Hi. I'm not sure how to translate "those in search of jobs **should** move to a city with high-tech businesses" into lawgic. I thought the word "should" might be a necessary condition, but JY didn't put an arrow to connect JOBS and HIGH TECH. Whereas in ...
I am so confused by the video explanation on this one. At 1:27 the video says that an answer choice is "totally compatible to the statement above because they have nothing to do with each other"
Would anyone be willing to walk me through this one? I just can't step back enough to see it clearly and feel certain I understand (and I don't have access to the explanation video). Thank you!
I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on why the passage supports D more strongly than E. I ended up going with D on the test, but didn't feel like I had an articulable justification for why it was a better choice. ...
Can someone explain to me why the answer is A? I was able to get the right answer but only through process of elimination. I don't actually understand what A is saying...
There is a myth out there that on Strengthen questions the LSAT will always give us four definitive non-strengtheners and only one strengthener. But this problem is arguably definitive proof that the myth is false.
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I thought B was correct because the conclusion is that general ...
This is for JY, if we have another answer choice ‘an activity that is conducive to healthy nation ought to be protected and encouraged by nation’ then, A, also this answer choice can be a right answer or just we are try to pick the bridge between main ...
Can someone explain this to me? This is a pfmr question but the answer looks like a contrapositive based on JY's explanation. For some reason I can't seem to understand why this is flawed and the comments don't have any additional help. Thanks.