Sorry I just saw the updated calendar and it shows PT36 Thur. I'm going to try but I work late on Thur so it's doubtful...but I'll get on one of these.
Interesting. You're positive the NA isn't actually necessary? I'm curious about these examples. I didn't look closely at it, but PT 71.S1.Q11 seems to be about pollution. Is that the right reference? PT means PrepTest, right?
You can find JY doing LR in PT69 S1+S4, and PT71 S1+S3. And Jon also had an epic timed LR section video, which took him only 19 minutes.
Turns out I didn't input my answers correctly and it was a 169/173.
I've reviewed all of my mistakes further and made the appropriate annotations to my cue cards! Time to go for a jog, meditate, have a coffee and grind out PT36