Interesting. You're positive the NA isn't actually necessary? I'm curious about these examples. I didn't look closely at it, but PT 71.S1.Q11 seems to be about pollution. Is that the right reference? PT means PrepTest, right?
You can find JY doing LR in PT69 S1+S4, and PT71 S1+S3. And Jon also had an epic timed LR section video, which took him only 19 minutes.
Turns out I didn't input my answers correctly and it was a 169/173.
I've reviewed all of my mistakes further and made the appropriate annotations to my cue cards! Time to go for a jog, meditate, have a coffee and grind out PT36
The stimulus doesn't allow us to conclude this. Grass clippings are one way to get micro-nutrients, but the stimulus doesn't say it's the ONLY way. Thus, when the ...
@tristanschmoor said:
In my first LR section I got destroyed but that was more due to being nervous and not being strategic enough with the harder questions. Once I settled in things went much smoother.
Yeah, you need to run yourself through an LG intensive course at some point after finishing core. Sooner the better, but definitely take PT36 first jus to see where you're at!
@nessa.k13.0 said:
I wrote out a page --a love letter so to speak---for this question in an attempt to give myself the best chance of never making the same mistakes that I did on this question again.
Thanks for your response Jonathan, my question was about PT35.S1.Q18. I think a mod edited my post when I originally posted it, and put int he wrong question. I've just seen it and changed it back.