Hi all! I am really struggling to understand why B is incorrect. I know now that D is the right option, but I'm not sure how to structurally identify why in other LR sections. I'd appreciate any help/explanations!
The reason why the restorers want to make an exception for De Volterra is that De Volterra removed ALL layers of paint in the sections of the paintings where he made his addition before he made these additional. This suggests: De Volterra removed not only ...
Hey! I remember reading somewhere or learning from an explanation video that in disagree questions each author must explicitly state the answer choice in order for it to be correct. Therefore, an answer choice wouldn't be correct if only one author ...
I picked E because I thought it eliminated an alternative explanation by showing that the population drop was not because the beetles were eaten by their predator. I immediately crossed over A thinking it was totally out of scope. My thought process was: ...
Could someone explain their thought process in getting the correct answer? I debated between A and B and eventually settled for B because I thought the very last line is the Conclusion. #help
**Admin Note: Edited title and removed screenshot. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question." Also, please do not post the entire question and answer choices for the LSAC ...
Hi! I was doing a drill and had this question. I chose C and that was the trap answer choice (rip) but I don't really understand why this is wrong and A is right.
Could anyone please breakdown the right and wrong answers? This would be such ...
I just took LSAT 57 - Section 3 - Question 23 about "brushless car wash" and I really don't understand how C can be correct. To me all of the answer choices were wrong and C seemed to me like a big inference (i.e. both brush and ...
Can someone help me understand this logic? Why is D the right answer?
The theory of military deterrence was based on a simple psychological truth, that fear of retaliation makes a would-be aggressor nation hesitate before attacking and is ...
In the United States proven oil reserves —the amount of oil considered extractable from known fields—are at the same level as they were ten years ago. Yet over this same period no new oil fields of any ...
For this question, I initially chose answer choice E because the background information really swept me up. My intuition told me that because the passage wrote about all of these other linguistic influences, the answer choice probably had something to do ...
Hello everyone! Can someone explain to me why B is the correct answer? I chose E but I am having a hard time understanding the big difference between these two answer choices. Thanks!
**Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S ...
This is maybe the single stupidest question I have ever seen since I started studying for the LSAT. I spent like 3 minutes on it, but I did get it correct, fortunately. To share some advice, I always like to remember that I heard somewhere that top scorers ...
can someone explain why D is correct and the other ACs are incorrect? Maybe its bc its ab economic theory, but i struggled with this one and ended on D only bc the others seemed less plausible.
I understand that any choice proving that the murder rate would've been higher is correct, but I'm not understanding the connection between healthcare and assault victims. How is that relevant and what does it imply?
I got this one wrong, I chose E, but now I see that we don[t know the relation between English literature and French literature, what we know is the origins of the language, trap answer for misreading.
The correct answer is A, cause its the only ...
Hey! Can someone help explain why this one has the answer E instead of D?
Admin Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."