I watched JY's explanation video and I see why B is correct, but I'm still confused why D isn't either. It says "if ALL farmers..." in the premise, so how isn't it overlooking that possibility?
"not a problem in well-ventilated house but it is in well-insulated house" implies that a well-insulated house is not a well-ventilated house, hence D, correct? I picked E because I mistakenly read the well-ventilated as well-insulated in that a well- ...
I was revisiting some old PTs and stumbled across this question. It's giving me quite the headache. JY's explanation doesn't help at all because he assumes that the amount of correctly addressed but damaged mail is a small subset of correctly addressed ...
I was tripped by q7 and q12 of this passage, as I didn't equate "historical novel"in psg-A with "real life events", which it seems after looking at credited choice LSAC test makers expect you to. I read it more as a novel set during some historical period ...
Why is the correct answer E and not C? How is the answer not attributing vacancy laws to that increase when they say "...increase crime while purporting to decrease it"?
This question has a 5-star difficulty but it looks like there's no explanation video on this.
What is everyone's thought process on this question. Here's my reasoning for why it comes down to C and D :
This is my first post, so if I make any major "faux pas", please let me know. This post is regarding a MSS question on PT Feb 1997, Section 3, Question 16.
In this question stimulus, we are given a discussion about ...
Can anyone explain why E is the correct answer choice? I thought the premise sets out that we could only choose from anarchy and totalitarian government control. If we cannot question the premise, why is this E correct? Thanks!
Hi everyone,
So bewildered by this question that I have to post on the discussion forum. Why is answer choice E correct??? After analyzing all the answer choices, it seems to me that NONE of the answer choices is even close to being correct. If ...
Can someone explain why AC C is right and E is wrong.
Option C states that "the proportion of arrests to crimes committed was not significantly higher for criminals under intensive supervision than for those under routine supervision." This ...
Want to make sure I'm thinking through this correctly. C is right because it suggests the incorrectness of a premise, that the reason that Peter's actions are more blameworthy than Alicia's. The relevant part of C is just that Peter's running a red light, ...
For this question, I had gotten it correct in the timed test, but ended up changing my answer in BR.
I wanted to discuss my reasoning for the BR, so that maybe it would help solidify why I chose B to begin with.
My reasoning was as follows ...
Wrong Answer (D) and Right Answer (E). I can't seem to reach the understanding on how E is relevant, e.g. doesn't contain information introduced in the passage on whether or not zebra mussels can transform hazardous waste and why they would be considered ...
I chose answer choice C because being the rock being submerged in water does not prove the conclusion that is falsifying the idea that life began in the ocean and did not exist on land until half a billion years ago.