Hi! I don't really understand why B is wrong even after reading numerous explanations. If areas subject to **more fires** (which is true when the level of rainfall drops below normal for an extended period of time like in a drought) tend to be **less ...
For a question like this that states "Which of the following indicates an error in the reasoning leading to the prediction", am I looking to attack a major premise instead of the conclusion? I got this question wrong and I am having difficulty discerning ...
As the header states, I didn't see any blatantly wrong with the argument. It was just a causal chain (Global warming causes temperatures to increase which causes greater proportion of precipitation to fall as rain which causes faster melting and more ...
Why is the correct answer E and not C? How is the answer not attributing vacancy laws to that increase when they say "...increase crime while purporting to decrease it"?
can someone explain why D is correct and the other ACs are incorrect? Maybe its bc its ab economic theory, but i struggled with this one and ended on D only bc the others seemed less plausible.
just a heads up so that y'all have extra time to PT (lookin at you @pujals ). BR group for PT71 will be TUESDAY at 7pm ET as opposed to the usual Wednesday.