My question is how to translate: the only obligation is to act in the best interests of their own side. Does obligation here act as a necessity indicator? So Does this mean that if something is in the best interest of either party the party is required to ...
The question stem in this question reads: "In order for the conclusion that Bevex is safe for people to be properly drawn, which one of the following must be true?"
Before doing blind review, I labelled this question as a MBT question (as is also ...
The correct answer choice (E) states that the argument "implies that brains and muscle are similar in one respect because they are similar in another respect." If the first respect refers to being able to improve if exercised, what is the latter respect?
Hello 7sage community! This is my first time posting here but I've been reading the forum for quite some time. I'm posting as I have a question from prep test 53 ( I'm wondering why ...
Can anyone explain why the answer choice (c) is the correct answer? It's hard to see why this has to be the case when logs already have each ring representing one year. With this fact, it's already possible to know how old these ...
I'm having trouble understanding why the right answer is the correct on it's own merit. I can eliminate (a), (b), and (d) fairly easily. (e) I could use some assistance clarifying since I'm still shaky #help
In this strengthening question, the conclusion that most universities offer a cosmopolitan and in depth education is supported by the premise that most universities have history departments utilizing more culturally diverse and complete textbooks. The ...
I have some questions about this Q. Some of the information I'm presenting about this question I've only understood after reading forum boards (I don't have access to JYs explanation for this PT) but I still have a question.
Hi. I'm stuck in question 13 of PT 50 section 1's second reading passage.
This question asks to most weaken the author's arg against harsh punishment for debtors. My choice was D, because I thought D weakens author's arg by giving an example where ...
can someone please explain to me how the answer for this question is (e) and not (b)? I've been pondering about it for minutes and I still can't understand how that is. (e) says no adult should be responsible for every action he/she performs but premise ...
Can someone please explain to me why the answer in this question is (e) and not (a)? I feel like (e) is unnecessary. Why would it have to promote only healthful products? Isn't (a) supporting the conclusion in a right way? Thanks so much for the help!
Can anyone please help explain how to get to the correct AC. I have pinpointed that I am having difficulty with questions of this type. I tried to diagram but got confused AGAIN! Can anyone please explain how to properly diagram this in order to arrive at ...
Having a bit of trouble getting my head around this question. Originally chose B, but correct answer is C. Had a bit of a crack at it, anyone please elaborate or correct me on my thinking!
Without giving too much away, as I'm not finished BR'ing yet, can someone give me an example of a simple argument that exemplifies the flaw noted in answer choice D (draws a conclusion about how the world actually is on the basis of claims about how it ...
Why not D? if (D) wasn't true and not all scientific investigators received a grant, then wouldn't that mean serendipity can play a role in scientific discovery? Since they would not have to make clear projections and disregard info not directly related to ...