... 2 star questions through the questionbank and really break them down ... on engaging the stimulus/drilling question stems through the 7Sage CC ... was apparently a really difficult question, but just 12 days ... reviewed PT 37 Section 2 Question 19, is the reasoning ...
Ultimate + questionbank makes it worth it. OP, if you can eventually afford to upgrade, do so. You get so many extra problem sets, solutions to every PT, and, again, the amazing questionbank.
... available before hitting up the questionbank. During the week, maybe take ... you missed and redo the question. Repetition and understanding "the why ... of what makes a question right" is key (especially on ...
... minutes trying to solve one question, i mark it and move ... break down for that hard question went from 30-40 minutes ... review of that type of question. it's the same amount ... dropping 3 PTs in the questionbank today anyway.
... want to. Go to the questionbank (under resources), and choose the ... logic game question types - then filter by the ... curriculum - https://7sage.com/lesson/question-bank/
Not really able to do that for **sections**, but you can use the questionbank to gather difficult **questions** and organize them into their own section if you'd like.
Yes, the questionbank, all the test explanations, the ability to re-print out the tests and all the drill sets make it all worth it! Best value on the LSAT on the market!