... at the end. For RC, each passage and its questions can be ... of an understanding of the passage. For example, I usually seek ... to look back at the passage and then I try to ...
@ddakjiking - Once I saw that it included a comparativepassage, I decided to save it and took 62 in its place. I'll probably take it in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully someone else will take it in the mean time and let us know.
... .) Art: This will be the comparativepassage comparing stream of consciousness in ... ; both passages are scholarly articles (Passage A about Phineas Finn by ... Anthony Trollope and Passage B about Ulysses by James ...
Judge's RC was insane. Both of my RC science passages were very, very easy. But the Judge's RC (third passage of the set, fourth section) was the hardest law passage I've ever done.
There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive ... . There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. I ... have no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or the ...
... />
> There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive ... There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. I ... have no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or ... />
I had 2 RC sections and I remember the ...
> There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive ... There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. I ... no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or ...
Yes-- I had 2 RC sections. The section with the ...
... gt; There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive ... There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. ... no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or ... remember what the comparison passage was for your experimental ...
... > There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive ... There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. I ... have no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or ... of you remember a passage on sandstone and layers ...
... > There was an RC experimental passage about abstract thinking and primitive ... There was also an experimental passage on immunity to lawsuits. I ... have no memory of any passage mentioning the pyramids or ... of you remember a passage on sandstone and layers ...
Ultimate and Ultimate+ would give you access to JY's take on the comparative passages. If you don't want to upgrade, buy PT 82 for the discounted price... it's less than 6 bucks I believe. You'll get his take on the most recent comparativepassage.
The comparativepassage about the hedonistic treadmill (doesn't use those words, but that's what it's about). Comparativepassage about Thomas Sowell and cosmic justice.