Thank you, I reread the ReadingComp section in the Trainer and it mentions the same strategy. @Pacifico. I will try to read the magazines you recommended. The subscriptions are just costly. Any student discounts?
@joy.pyles Check in with @nicole.hopkins . She loves the LSAT and readingcomp. Also, picking up a copy of "The LSAT Trainer" could help improve your approach.
I think the Trainer is a great supplement for ReadingComp - definitely do the Trainer lesson on ReadingComp Question types as well as structure vs. content
Got it. Not good, man. Not good. It was my first take... I will probably wait another year. Big disappointment. The whole problem was readingcomp; I don't know what the hell happened. Everything else was exactly what I expected. :/
I can't get over how helpful the 7sage community is. Thank you all for putting on these webinars. Nicole, you changed readingcomp for me on the pt 43 call yesterday. Thank you all so much!