... , will I become stressed during readingcomp? Yes, why? Because 'the LSAT ... underlying thoughts and feelings towards readingcomp are causing me to become ...
... the wrong questions and familiar passages made me feel a lot ... reviewing almost all the RC passages in these latest PT's ... more difficult than the first twopassages. Also, I paid particular attention ... questions as I read the passages during my December LSAT. < ...
@"UBC Hopeful" said:
Recently I've tried to focus less on content, but then I am complete loss when it comes to questions that ask for analogous situations/opinions/beliefs
@"UBC Hopeful" said:
Any tips or recommendations for specific skills to help keep on track of what's happening in the passage, without trying to retain information overload?
The LSAT Trainer has changed my LIFE on this issue ...
Did anybody think the Hindu/Roman readingcomp passage was overly difficult? I had one of WTF moments after reading about the Hindu stuff. I was hoping that was experimental. Sigh.
yes the struggle is very real lol thank you soooo much!!! I just used JYs memory method on twopassages and I got all of the questions right for the twopassages I worked on! So thank you so much again!!!!