... doing an RC section (Particularly PT 68) and got to the ... />
Would one advise just reading the passage as quickly as ... time is left after the reading?
... -34 and I just started PT from PT35. During the very ... I could just barely finish reading of the hardest passage and ... so called Active and Structural Reading. Therefore, I am eager for ...
So I am scheduled for September, but lately I have been having such inconsistent PT's. From 147-163 within the past three weeks. BR's only seem to make me more uncertain. Goal is 160. Averaging about 156. Any advice?
Hello! So, I took the 2007 PT and I am checking each answer regardless of whether I got it riht or wrong. Is this a good idea? I feel like it's taking up too much time (I'm behind a week). Should I just check those that I got wrong/skipped?
I have started my senior undergrad year, and can only study around 10 hours per week instead of 20-30 that I was in the summer. My PT score has decreased over the last few tests! Is it because of the decreased time spent on studying??
... got it with this last PT 167. When I take the ... question and read well on reading comp I do better. I ... and got the 167 on PT 74. All of these recent ...
... the last time I finished PT-ing 3 years ago I ... range of 158-161 on PT 50s all the way to ... website. I look forward to reading your comments! But 23/25 ...