... are condensed for ease of reading. This type of writing has ... is Hegel. I also think reading Hegel kills two birds with ... to the question stem in RC. Skim reading a stem, which you can ...
Knowing what the question wants can distract you from the argument. Try reading the stimulus first. Identify its conclusion, support, and what if anything is wrong with the argument. Then read the question stem and prephrase an AC before reading the ACs.
... look based on the question stem makes things much faster ... based on what the question stem is asking of me, I ... hypothetical situation in the question stem, I decide if the ... clear process and approach to reading/annotating or highlighting passages, and ...
... based on what the question stem is asking of me, I ... hypothetical situation in the question stem, I decide if the ... enthusiastic about what you are reading, even though it is ... terms of general reading ability, I recommend reading academic journals or ...
... the timer/time and actually reading the question through, and not ... rush reading the question and then the ... I found myself skimming the stem with the pressure of time ... go back and reread the stem. If you read it through ...
... : Question Type, Difficulty, Stimulus, Question Stem, Breakdown, Answer Choices, and Notes ... make a mistake reading the stimulus or the question stem, or is ...
This question is very difficult because I just cannnot understand the stimulus. Could I please get an explanation of this question stem and answer choices?
I took a PT last Saturday and based from the question stem analysis of the test grader (extremely helpful guys), flaw questions gave me the most trouble. What is the best way to approach them?