... gave me the option to retest on the 26th.
> ... gave me the option to retest on the 26th.
> ... gave me the option to retest on the 26th.
> ...
... that they can file a retest complaint for your exam. LSAC ... further instructions to schedule a retest sometime in the future (she ... doesn’t know when the retest will be-could be tomorrow ...
> @a_pmorenoc said:
> @MonkeyMammoth24 i've been logging into proctorU and nothing, I even called and they said I am eligible for the retest, ugh i hate this system
Did you call ProctorU or LSAC?
I was a first time test taker in October and had my score preview count for the retest, the only score you will see is the retest and that would be your Nov score; I didn't see my score of the one where I had tech issues
Anyone went on LawHub and their LSAT tab isn't displaying? I believe the LSAT tab is needed in order to launch the actual LSAT exam and we need that tab for our November retest?
@Squeen123 I have the same question as well and received an email from LSAC today. I am not sure if I need to respond to the email as I already let LSAC know I did the November retest and would like keep score no matter what.