Basically what the title says. In certain question types (like SA), I find that I get level 4s and 5s correct, but often get level 3s wrong. Any suggestions as to why this is happening? What can I do to remedy this more clearly?
Whoa! I thought one could not figure out which section is the experimental? Does it say experimental? Can I just skip it or rest my eyes and just Christmas tree the answer sheet?
SA and PSA are a problem for me too, lucikly you guys have answered the questions i had about SA but is the objective of the PSA questions the same as the SA questions?
Laestelle - essentially, but not exactly. SA, PSA, and strengthen questions are ... the premise and the conclusion). SA questions close the gap completely ... />
The minor difference between SA and PSA questions doesn't ...
@CFC, just wanted to say thanks for explaining the difference between SA and PSA. Never fully understood it, until I read your response and it just clicked! so thanks !