Lady rips apart her answer sheet in front of proctor and leaves before the time is called.
" I don't want it scored"
Real story. I am sure they will report her to LSAC.
I think you should try to learn how to be able to switch between problem types, and remember how to work through the SA questions after having done a series of other question types. It's a different kind of mental work that you need to harness.
These two taken together are fantastic cheat sheets.
My Scantron sheet says "use black No2 or HB pencils only", so I'm guessing they are similar enough. The common wisdom of the internets seems to be that a "middle of the scale" HB is pretty much a 2, but none of the scales are truly standardized.
... two. You say that "for SA I pick the choice that ... conclusion can't happen). SA does need to guarantee the ... other, hairless men.
A SA would be "All men are ... if false
For a SA question the correct answer will ...