... not necessarily. The important thing about @danielznelson 's example is that ... is only contained in one answerchoices. The "most" in this stimulus ... Reasoning.
Further, this answer choice could have said "one ...
... solid start, but after about 20 PTs I was still ... trying to choose an answer based on an incomplete ... myself on a note card about RC that I kept ... test day: The right answer will never require a big ... never be a stretch. Answerchoices are either supported by the ...
... birds in return for information about toxins in the fish examined ... industry can't find out about the toxins in the fish ... goals, so that is why answer choice (B) is correct. B ... .
All the other answerchoices are wrong because it doesn ...
... exactly sure how to go about remedying my "average -10 on ... , working wrong-to-right with answerchoices, and finding the author’s ... have a feeling that the answer is going to be, “Practice ...
... rest you simply circled the answer you thought was correct based ... on?
Looking at other answerchoices to confirm that they are ... I would naturally have thought about them more so that I ... and then just circled the answer, and not been visibly frustrated ...
@nicole.hopkins your unicorn meme usage is unparalleled lol. I wish this picture was substituted in place of one of the answerchoices... would have made me feel better about missing this question because who can be mad looking at that
... enough clarity that I can answer some questions quickly and ... am unsure or debating between answerchoices. If you're running out ... re getting trapped by tricky answerchoices and adding a bunch of ... personal with no widespread opinion about "the best" way to ...
... takes about 5-15 seconds to eliminate 3, if not 4 answerchoices ... weaker language in the correct answer. Not always, but at least ... think. If you're serious about law as a career, get ...
... you. Sometimes I look at answerchoices that look like their right ... test is more about picking up on the wrong answer than the ... the fact that the wrong answerchoices are very attractive in some ... see the pattern in wrong answer, and your elimination skills just ...
... to formulate a wrong answer choice, making your brain ... subtle differences between the answerchoices and how the meaning ... sucked into an answer because it talks about some concepts ... is making some unwarranted assumptions about these concepts.
... of support. The 4 incorrect answerchoices will likely have absolutely no ... : we do not know anything about the adults of other countries ... of children in X, only about the diets of adults. Eliminate ... : we don't know anything about their weight. Percentage of fat ...
... , but if you're thinking about it I would encourage you ... that I ended up spending about twice as long on them ... words that make or break answerchoices.
... of support. The 4 incorrect answerchoices will likely have absolutely no ... : we do not know anything about the adults of other countries ... of children in X, only about the diets of adults. Eliminate ... : we don't know anything about their weight. Percentage of fat ...
... material will give you familiarity aboutabout lots of different subjects, allowing ... to read a science passage about fractals or a law ... passage about some obscure law theory ... s be honest) insanely tricky answerchoices. Get the Cambridge RC packets ...
... before you jump into the answerchoices. Let’s break the argument ... argument have anything to say about the people being policed? The ... police. (E) is the correct answer.
... lead you to the exact answer and you can just move ... you shouldn't feel bad about having to diagram some questions ... ) standard of proof for the answerchoices. For example, if the answers ...
... mean you'll get higher scores, and if anything, I would ... 're gonna go into the answerchoices without a clear view of ... what to look for--choices that are designed by super ... to move through the wrong choices because you'll have a ...
... sort of remember this question about the refrigerator" but have ... idea what form the correct answer takes. Sometimes there will be ... stimulus I know about where in the answerchoices the right answer is and ... to articulate reasons why each answer is wrong while i' ...
... see what you're saying about C seeming overreaching, but this ... answer doesn't have to be airtight. C concludes something about all ... logic out of all the answerchoices.
... I've got a question about what resources to use for ... the worst (in terms of about 70% accuracy for those, timed ... get better at understanding the answerchoices without getting caught up in ...
Also, as @Luluc1234 points out aboutanswer choice D: it is the ... can never be the correct answer because it is a logical ... out for these kind of choices.
... if you weren't convinced about the merits of working neatly ... can quickly move through the choices looking for 1 or 2 ... the front end). But some choices still can pass this test ... , don't go into the answerchoices without a clear sense of ...