I see that on LSAC they say you can have two number two pencils. Does this mean that pen is not allowed? If so does proctor U check your scrappaper after the test? I am really an anti pencil person.
Does anyone know if it's likely that the October LSAT will be LSAT Flex? Also for LSAT Flex, are you allowed to use scrappaper for reading comp notes since you can't really annotate on the computer besides highlighting?
Hey everyone, quick question for those who have taken the LSAT-Flex. Do they provide you with scrappaper and obviously it has to be utilized on screen. You can't have scrappaper physically next to you during the exam, correct? Thanks everyone
How are you all fool proofing the logic games from PT 1-35 given the flex format? Are you still printing them out or doing them online and using scrappaper?
I'm taking the lsat in-person next week and was wondering if anyone has any advice on what I should take aside from an ID?
Do i need to bring my own scrappaper and pencils or do they provide it?
... do recycle :)
I prefer paper for 2 reasons:
1 ... in front of you, no scrappaper, no extra room and the ... margin writing.
I think paper is a better bet, but ...
I use scrappaper all the time. We do get that extra sheet in real test. I don't think there is any harm in using extra sheet of paper. If anything, i think this would just simulate test day condition. Go for it.