You're required to show the proctor the scratchpaper front and back in the beginning anyway, so after you show it to them, you'll be fine folding it I'm sure. But shoot LSAC an email/call if you're super concerned!
I think that's just the case in general for the test. For me, I try to keep my "glancing back/re-reading" to a minimum by just getting all the info I need down on the scratchpaper and never looking back at the original stim.
Yeah, do it on paper. It might be somewhat more true to test day conditions to work off the screen using blank scratchpaper rather than actually printing the games. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself without pencil and paper.
good tip if your webcam isn't focusing is to put your ID in front of a piece of scratchpaper, should help it focus easier, but kind of awkward to hold up
I know this will probably be a minority position, given the results, but I did not outline the essay either in the textbox or on scratchpaper, just in my head. Clicked No so I could submit the results for the first question