@stepharizona I'd follow their advice. Your Education section is much less scannable when you add the AA and graduate certificate. Put the graduate certificate in your continuing education section, and leave out the AA.
... 'd follow their advice. Your Education section is much less scannable ... graduate certificate in your continuing education section, and leave out the ...
But @"Cant Get Right", overcoming the LSAT qua obstacle costs each applicant at least dozens if not hundreds of hours, does it not? That's a tremendous drain on the legal education economy.
... is a box in the education component of the app that ... asks if your education was interrupted for any reason ... absence which resulted in my education being interrupted for a total ...
Don't! Almost all the T14 law schools ask if you've taken any interruptions in your education and saying that you took a semester off for the LSAT will undoubtedly make you look really bad.