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I've been reading some books to help keep me centered ... my book section based on books to help get me aquanited ... different topics and then some books that help keep me focused ...
Lol so no one was thinking of selling or donating?? I wanna donate but fack it was so much money!! I also dont know it reselling will be ok if I've written in it (some with pen- oops).
Try reading book reviews from the New York Review of Books. Not only are they about lit, but they're also in the form of an argument so it's a win win.
The stimulus states: "the resulting *lack of substance* leads to books
that are *short-lived items*" - This directly supports (B)s notion that: "The substance of a children's book is important to its longevity."
This game reminded me of an old game in which someone is scheduling research, operation, lecturing etc from Monday thru Saturday but Thursday is skipped. I don't remember which PT it was but it is used as an example in many prep books.
Are you using any strategy books? If anything, it may seem like you have to just take a break. step back, reorient yourself and then tackle the questions again.
Just read the article about Google Books/Library. I suppose reading one legal article a day would serve rather beneficial for all of us here. Thx @"Accounts Playable"