This is the new world we live in. It is what it is. We have decided to play this game of life (as we all want to be Lawyers) so if this is the rules. Then we just gotta ball til we fall.
For any Friday takers with one LG, did you get a section that had musicians as the 3rd game and art galleries with Sep-Oct-Nov as the 4th game, or a section that had the mixed use buildings and alcohol games as the last two?
I can only tolerate TLS for about five minutes until I see a harsh comment and I have to stop. I do, however, respect the individual who continues and discovers something helpful.
I've taken the test in Oct, Sep, and Nov, and it seems like they have relied heavily on the grouping games recently. They have been a little tougher than the PT games, but I'm assuming students have been killing the games in the past couple of years.