@Bret Cypel
I haven't taken any PTs yet. When I do and if I am not completely embarrassed I will share my scores with you too. Your persistence has inspired me. I am even more motivated. Thanks so much for sharing.
Yes, yes, yes! I totally agree with you that the LSAT, going to a good law school, or even just being a lawyer should not be the end goal. It's about what kind of lawyer you want to be, what kind of difference you want to make. Thanks for sharing.
Cool! Did you go to the web site where the charts came from?(http://www.tylervigen.com/). The creator of the charts discusses the importance of correlation. Thank you Al for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Mind if I ask why you were considering going back? Presumably you left for a reason. Did you recently miss it or were there other considerations involved in your temptation?