Am going to attend a T3. I'm very worried about the overenrollment issue and what it might mean for my employment. ShouldI seriously consider deferring for a year?
I wrote my PS about being ... public service (in a nutshell) ShouldI write a DS about how ... would benefit my law school? I don't specific address perspective ...
... do before moving on to the next topic? I realized Ishould probably hold ... off some to come back to so I ... a consistent 5/5 on timed and BR Imoveon, but looking for ...
... diagnostic to a 158. I am registered to take the ... October LSAT and so I have about 6 weeks ... seems impossible right now. If I take 2 practice tests a ... drill my weaknesses can I do it? I have a job and ... 15 hours a week tops. ShouldImove my test to November?
... the GPA on my transcript. Which shouldI include on my law ... GPA, whereas LSAC does. I studied abroad for a ... courses while abroad. Honestly I don't really have ... good reason - I just didn't focus on classes very much ... to write an addendum or will it just draw ...
Hi all, I am taking the LSAT in January and am a bit confused as to whether Ishould be checking simulate flex for the prep tests? ShouldI be taking all 4 sections instead?
I took the GRE twice back in 2017 and my highest GRE score is converted to a 154 LSAT. ShouldI submit my GRE score as well? My highest LSAT score is 151. I'm looking to apply to a law school with a range 157-163.
... gotten to LG or RC. Right now I’m consistently getting ... is 20. ShouldImove to those sections after I consistently score 20 ... or a study buddy what’s the best suggestion? ShouldI ... contact someone that also scored around 140 or slightly higher? I ...
... in college who is on summer break. I plan on using 7 sage ... games, and loophole for LR. I took the practice lsat through ... be a reality. In addition I will be working full time ...
How long does it typically take to study for the LSAT? I’m retaking my test in September and I’m working through the core curriculum now. Is 3 months studying 30-40 hours a week a reasonable timeframe?
I need advice though: shouldI wait and study longer ... ? Since this last test I studied ... 4 months. But this time shouldI take 8-12 months instead ... ?
Sometimes during sequencing games I find myself being able ... the suggested time or even way under. ShouldI focus on trying to understand ... the sub game boards or just ... keep doing what I've been ...
... />
My question is THIS: shouldI request 50% or 100% increased time? These ... like. I feel confident from what I know that I'll be ... . Is this the case? Or if they deny my request ... professional diagnoses, proof of accommodation on the ACT, and additional ...
... my November LSAT. So relieved I don't need to take ... practiced after the October test. ShouldI write an addendum to explain ... core reason is just that I was in poor health condition ... last time when I took the test in August ...
when shouldI start taking full length practice tests? I have completed over half of the logical reasoning in core curriculum but not sure when to start taking full length PTs. Have not taken a PT since the diagnostic
... games before Imoveon. I'm just worried that as time goes onI'll ... of the games, and I know I can go 24 hours and ... -proofed. But how long shouldI wait before I practice them again to ... />
I like spaced repetition though I have no idea how long Ishould space ...
... ; Mary today, however, I just realized that I made a small mistake ... William & Mary Law" essay. I referred to Williamsburg as being ... has about 15,000 people... I went there for undergrad and ... a small yet noticeable mistake. ShouldI resend my essay?
Okay so I have gotten above a 170 ... and fun when I see the score, but shouldI pay attention to ... exception of those two scores I haven't broken 165 in ... any of the 20 tests I've taken.
Hello everyone, I am scheduled to take the LSAT on April 12 ... , 2024. However, I began studying on December 20th ... to study for this exam? ShouldImove my test date to June ...
... School?" as asking if I had any relatives who ... at this school, so I said yes and listed ... his name. I now realized that they ... for the law school. ShouldI send an email correcting this ... If so, how shouldI send it/what shouldI say?
Guys shouldI cancel my score if it is below 150 and I’m planning to take it in September and hopefully improve by then since I’ll have the whole summer to practice more and more?