Then I suppose the more interesting question is how it is equated? I would imagine the experimental portion of previous tests plays a big part in that.
From reading your post, no, sounds like you are referring to a later games section that would have been real. If you had 2 lg and 1 was in section 1 then that one was experimental.
Oh no, really? My first and third sections were LG . Are you saying that the first LG sections was experimental? How can you tell? I was really hoping it was the third.
@AlexanderL0 Yes and no. Using the data from the experimental sections over the past few years, LSAC writers integrate that with their perceived difficulty.
... questions, they will use the experimental section of LR for example ... revised. The results of the experimental sections determine how questions are ... same process when it was experimental). If a 150 was ... and they received the same experimental lg and got -10, ...
I had an experimental lr and I still don' ... are using to describe their experimental? Doubtful. I'm not sure ... what questions were on my experimental! Anyone else having the same ...
There were at least 2, but neither of those sound familiar to me. I definitely remember the confirmed ones, so it's so odd I can't recognize any of the experimental ones.
i dont recall that. My first section was the experimental LG section, and, according to the forums opinions, relatively easy. The second section had the much harder last game, and, i thought the third game was a little rough as well.
Sure, you might pick up a few. I've added sections from other tests I've taken before to make a 5 or 6 section test. No real need to buy the special PDF unless you are gung ho on the whole "I don't know which one is experimental" aspect.