... school, I'm going to startstudying; I plan on going all ... the LSAT material before I start the course. (Keep in mind ... will be fully committed to studying 6-8 hours per day ...
alright the ultimate package is for when I startstudying, but the LSAT Trainer and pretest 35-77 are things I can look at to familiarize myself with the material before I start the course ?
alright got it where can I buy the LSAT trainer, and is there anything else I can buy before I start the course, you know just to get a head start ? i kind of wanna be familiar with the material before I even startstudying.
I would take at least a week off before you started thinking about studyingagain. Your mind and body will need it, and you may be surprised at how you come back to the LSAT if you feel like you need to continue studying.
... get to 25, I would start another section. I would use ... as complete sections and BR again. There is something new to ... the first place. When I start PTing again in early Decemeber, I ... will once again use this method. Best of ...
Relax bro, take a week off... go out drink, do whatever you want. Then get back to working, a gym routine, etc. Then if you plan on taking June, start practicing again in a month or so
... ’re finished, then you can start drilling again. Do a mix of ... lay eyes on everything. Then start fool proofing. Work a game ... in about a week and again in about a month if ... process.