Anyone looking to meet up preferably saturdays? or Friday night to study. Im taking the September test and I know most people are from NYC but I’d figure I’d ask and see if anyone was up for meeting at a library/coffee shop/anywhere?
Hey I plan on taking the LSAT in September. If anyone is interested in setting up a study group inbox me. I live in Brooklyn, but work in the city. We can meet in person Thursdays or Sundays or we can Skype or video chat any day during the evening.
... end as to how to study for the LSAT. I have ... . I’ve also looked for study buddies, but many are also ... , but don’t have a study strategy. I’ve tried self ...
I am looking for productive people who are willing to study with me in the Metropolitan Area via in person or online. If that's you, then lets make our DREAMS come true!
This study group is for those who ... 170+ on the LSAT. This study group will have a schedule ... you have scheduling conflicts, this study group is not for you ...
I'm interested in joining a study group for the November 2019 LSAT, but I'm not sure how it works or what it means. Do we just meet and chat or is there a curriculum....?
Is anyone in the Vancouver BC area interested in starting a study group? I usually study at BCIT, but am willing to go to UBC/kits/downtown or to SFU! Studying for July but am also writing in September
Instead of printing out the PTs... Do you have a way to study on the tablet? Since the test is no longer in paper I am trying to avoid printing. Should I download PDF on my tablet and scan all my study notes etc?