I appreciate this comment because I myself have realized (this week) that for accuracy I have to go at the pace at which I absorb the information. The studyguide schedule is simply a guide, not a must be followed exactly command.
Quick question- but how do I save this studyguide or download it? I tried to save it as a PDF, but it did not work. There are only the options like share or save it on the website. I was hoping to save it on my laptop.
@"Tim Hortons" Thank you and congratulations! How do we download the studyguide? I've been trying to print and save it but having a hard time. Thx for your help.
Seeing as people are still finding the studyguide helpful (I'm flattered!), I want to **bump** this thread for anyone who hasn't seen it, especially for those preparing for the upcoming June LSAT. Best of luck, everyone! :smile:
@Gee-dawg Unfortunately I don't have a larger version of the studyguide accessible to me. I'd recommend that you zoom in on the studyguide, screenshot each section, and then print out those sections separately. Best of luck!
... Schwartz's 4-month LSAT studyguide but I think he has ... variety of month-by-month study guides available. It was only ... needed to be in a study group or class to stay ...
... was no chance I could study for the February exam ... lose very little on RC/LR (they're about equal ... very nervous about studying RC/LR extensively only to destroy ... the way I approach RC/LR right now feels pretty ... thinks it's worth studying LR/RC, what would you ...
... a library with my study buddy. At this stage ... />
I didn’t study during the waiting month and ... Manhattan Guides for RC/LR and several Cambridge packages ... the Trainer and Manhattan Guide for LR/RC again, but ... tackle some hard RC/LR Qs during the test. ...
... their 4-month study plan as a guide. I found ... 5-2 weeks behind that study schedule (PowerScores 4-month ... follow through with that study plan it would require ... of PowerScore’s publications (Bibles LR, RC,& LG), ... do timed sections in LR and RC every couple ...
... - and slowly go through LR as I currently am, and ... cirriculum too and alternated between LR and LG studying 2 ... 2 hours LG. or LR one day and LG one ... (LR)....and also get me ready for LG. i study 4 ... Must be True section of LR - feeling quite discouraged to ...
... am looking for a Skype study partner. I've gotten really ... good at LR with a consistent -0/-1 ... RC and needs help with LR, maybe we could help each ...