... , five weeks of study means five weeks of study. Plan on really packing ... urge against such a short study schedule: there’s just too ... ultimately end up half-assing study, and end up with a ...
... , five weeks of study means five weeks of study. Plan on really packing ... urge against such a short study schedule: there’s just too ... ultimately end up half-assing study, and end up with a ...
@MissChanandler was trying to make a studyplan to cover one PT a week for the rest of the weeks before test and wanted to create a plan for selecting PTs to take. Is there a better plan to select PTs.
Congratulations!! If not it is a secret, could you please share about your studyplan, your pre-7sage score, and how long you have been studying for? Thanks so much!!
Took me eight months to get to the mid 160s from a 151. I was studying full-time four to five hours a day almost everyday. Fourmonths is not enough time for you to give up. Some people on 7sage go at the LSAT for years.
... to make it for July. (Months later, in hindsight, I probably ... and she said to study for 2 months max, including a full ... and will manifest in your study habits. And some people take ...