... So, This is your straightforward SufficientAssumption Question. If you have ... elements needs to be sufficient and which necessary? Without ... because Success is the sufficient condition in the conclusion, ... it is the sufficient condition in the answer ...
... section. I struggle most with SufficientAssumption, Strengthen, Resolve the Paradox, Weaken ... , and Necessary Assumption type questions, but I think ...
By far the hardest question type for me in LR is SA and MBT questions. I have learned the whole formula/diagramming/translation stuff that is taught in the Core Curriculum and I understand it quite well. However, I try to do it in my head (as one is ...
What is the primary difference between Necessary Assumption Qs and SufficientAssumption Qs? Both are required to make the argument valid but I'm not quire sure how the answer choices differ.
On some of these exercises, on these I’m improving to 4/5, on the previous set however, SA, it’s a total loss. I’m wondering just how much of the LSAT is going to be comprised of SA. I have literally spent two maybe three weeks trying to understand this, ...
Is anyone good at answering these? This question type is the one i am have the most trouble with. How should I approach it? As a strengthening or a SA? Is there a better way to answer these?
For the SA and PSA questions, I'm getting absolutely destroyed on the tougher ones. I think it is because I am not identifying the stimulus fast enough and missing the small details that get overlooked. Should I just map it out and understand how to piece ...